Forever Fund Policy

No Purchase or  Donation Necessary.


This fund is available only in the United States and the Virgin Islands and is open only to legal residents of the United States, including the District of Columbia, and its territories, between 6 to 8 years of age or who are entering or already in the second grade, or on circumstance, any person designated for recognition or academic assistance, regardless of age (herein referred to as Applicants or Prospective Awardees or Awardees). Any time during the selection (defined below), and the ForeverFund Scholarship Administrator, (hereto referred to as FFSA or the Sponsor), its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, and advertising and promotion agencies including the Responsive Solutions Project. (collectively, the “Released Parties”), and all of their employees’ immediate family members (spouses, parents, children, siblings and their respective spouses) and all others with whom they are domiciled, whether or not related, are not eligible to apply. Subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws.

How to Enter

There are three ways to enter: (1) Visit Sponsor’s web site at www. and complete and submit the online entry form; (2) download and print out or photocopy the online registration form and complete and mail it to: ForeverFund, Attn: New Scholarships, PO Box 32121 Oakland, CA 94604; (3) request a copy of the application (which will be sent to you by mail) by calling 206-804-4008 or by sending a business-sized, self-addressed, stamped envelope to:, Application request, PO Box 32121 Oakland, CA 94604. When you receive your application by mail, complete the forms and return them in the postage-paid business reply envelope provided. Entries in excess of one from any individual will be void. The use of automated entry devices of any kind is prohibited. Sponsors are not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, damaged, mutilated, stolen, misdirected, illegible, inaudible or postage-due entries, entry forms, surveys or mail, and all such entries shall be ineligible. Sponsors are also not responsible for incomplete, lost, interrupted or unavailable network, server or other connections, miscommunications, computer or software malfunctions or telephone transmission problems, telephone lines or other telephone problems, technical failures, garbled transmissions, damage to a user’s computer equipment (software or hardware) or other errors or malfunctions of any kind whether, human, mechanical, electronic or otherwise or for printing or other errors appearing on the official application. Other than as specifically permitted in these rules, downloaded, mechanically or otherwise reproduced entries will not be accepted. All entries will become the property of Sponsor upon submission and will not be returned.


Each recipient will receive an initial award amount of at least $300 (awarded as a check) which may be used toward college tuition. Awards to recipients not yet entering college (due to age, or grade level completed, or the inability to successfully complete a college entry exam) will be placed in a growth fund until such time. The period between initial award and college readiness shall be termed the “Progression Period.” Odds of an award will depend on the value of the General Fund. Awards are not transferable and no substitutions are allowed, except in the sole discretion of Sponsor.All federal, state and local taxes or any additional expenses incurred in the submission of an application and any expenses not specifically included in the progression period, are the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian, or awardee. Scholarships for eligible minors will be awarded in the name of the minor.


Awardees will be selected from eligible, propitious applications, in a selection process conducted by the Sponsor (ForeverFund Scholarship Administration) and the conducted by the Sponsor (ForeverFund Scholarship Administration) and the legal guardians) agree to be bound by these Official Rules and to the decisions of the judges, which will be final and binding in all respects. Awardees will be notified by mail or telephone. If any potential awardee cannot be reached within five (5) business days of the first attempted notification, then the prize will be forfeited in its entirety and awarded to an alternate awardee. Awardees, or a parent or legal guardian of an eligible minor, will be required to complete, sign, and return an Application, Consent Agreement, Liability Release, and, where lawful, Publicity Release, all of which must be received by Sponsor or its designated agent within 30 days of issuance of notification. If all forms are not returned within the stated time, or is undeliverable, scholarship will be forfeited in its entirety and awarded to an alternate awardee.


All online entries must include a valid e-mail address. In the event of a dispute as to the identity or eligibility of an online entrant based on email address submitted, entrant will be deemed to be made by the “Authorized Account Holder” of the e-mail address submitted at the time of entry The “Authorized Account Holder” is the person to whom the applicable Internet service provider or other organization (such as business or educational institution) has assigned the e-mail addresses for the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address. Any attempt by an applicant to deliberately damage any web site or undermine the legitimate operation of this scholarship process is a violation of criminal and/or civil laws and should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify applicant and seek damages and other remedies to the fullest extent permitted by law. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to void suspect entries or to modify, cancel or suspend the online portion of this scholarship should virus, bugs, non-authorized human intervention or any other causes beyond the control of Sponsor corrupt or impair the administration, security, fairness or proper play of the scholarship. In any such event, Sponsor will select winners from among all eligible received applications. Sponsor reserves the right to invalidate any and all entries of an applicant which Sponsor, in its sole discretion, determines to be in violation of these Official Rules or any and all entries of an entrant who Sponsor determines has engaged in any act or activity which corrupts or impairs the administration, security, fairness. Entrants (and parents/legal guardians of minor entrants) agree: 1) to Sponsor’s use of information supplied by entrants for advertising, promotional publicity and marketing purposes as allowed by law and Sponsor’s privacy policy available at; and 2) to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Released Parties from any and all liability, claims, law suits, costs, expenses, fees, losses, injuries or damages to entrants or any other person or entity, including personal injury, death or damage to personal or real property, arising directly or indirectly from the acceptance, during progression period, acceptance, use or misuse of a prize, or participation in progressive eligibility and/or from entrant’s fraudulent or wrongful acts or omissions; (d) not to sue Released Parties for any damages, injury or loss arising from awardees acceptance of or use of any prize or travel related thereto; and (e) if a winner, by acceptance of prize, to use of name, voice, biography, likeness and other indicia by Sponsor and its designees in any medium now or hereafter known without further notice, consideration or compensation for marketing, promotion, advertising, filing and dissemination purposes, except where prohibited by law. Sponsor shall have the sole right to disqualify any entrants for violation of these rules or any applicable laws relating to the Scholarship, and to resolve all disputes in its sole discretion. Released Parties (i) make no warranty, guaranty or representation of any kind concerning any prize, (ii) disclaim any implied warranty arising out of any person’s participation in the Scholarship or the acceptance and use of any prize and travel thereto. All disputes will be resolved under applicable U.S. laws.


For the names of the awardees, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the address below. Include a $1.99 check or money order for processing. This list will not include addresses or other personal information of awardees.
Attn: Awardee List
P.O. Box 32121
Oakland, CA 94604

DISCLOSURE: No purchase or donation is required to enter or win. A purchase or donation will not increase chances of an award. This is an offer and does not imply that you have won an award or a prize.

If you do not wish to receive notice by mail of future scholarships, offers or sweepstakes offered by sponsor, write to:,
Information Operations
P.O. Box 32121
California, CA 94604

Fund Progression

Account creation- In most cases, because the scholarship is awarded when the recipient is in primary school, there will be a seven (7) to ten (10) year growth period where the award will accumulate interest. The designated administrator of the Fund is TIAA Cref.

Account management – Once a child has been awarded a scholarship, FFSA will establish an account with TIAA Cref for the awardee (hereto also called the Beneficiary), that will allow parent or legal guardian to receive quarterly statements. This statement will indicate the award amount and any interests earned. This account will remain open until the awardee/beneficiary reaches the age of 23 or upon acceptance to college, which ever happens first. If the child does not utilize his or her award within this time, it will be placed back into the General Fund.

Parent or legal guardians cannot withdraw any part of the awarded account. However, the parent or legal guardian will be given details and various options relative to the growth indexes and mutual funds in deciding how to best grow the child’s account. Parents and legal guardians are not required nor will be able to add money to the child’s scholarship award. A College Savings Account can be opened in addition to the having a ForeverFund Scholarship.

Disbursement of funds – The scholarship award will be disbursed upon acceptance to any 2 year community college or 4 year college or university within the United States or its territories or any institution designated as an Historically Black College or University (HBCU). Funds will be disbursed directly to the intended school, half in the Fall and half in Spring

Awardee Responsibilities

Any child that bas been awarded a Foreverfund Scholarship must achieve/complete the following eligibility requirements prior to fund disbursement:

  • Complete high school and graduate with at least a 3.0 grade point average;
  • Participate in at least one ForeverFund Scholarship event per year, starting from the year award is granted to the acceptance at a college or university. A list of these events will be given in advance and will change every six months;
  • Communicate and take part in activities with mentor(s), starting from the year of award is granted until the acceptance at a college or university;
  • Attend at least two (2) campus tours before high school graduation. Qualifying tours are listed at Campus tours that do not appear on this list do not qualify for ForeverFund Scholarship award disbursement;
  • Attend at least two (2) campus tours before high school graduation. Qualifying tours are listed at Campus tours that do not appear on this list do not qualify for ForeverFund Scholarship award disbursement;
  • Send copy of (1.)last high school report card, (2.)college acceptance letter, or community college name and address within 24 months (see Disbursement Disqualifications for exclusions) after graduating from high school.

Parent and Legal Guardian Responsibilities

Below are the responsibilities of the parent or legal guardian of a child that has been awarded a ForeverFund Scholarship:

  • Read, understand and encourage your child in executing the Awardee Responsibilities of this policy;
  • Complete a yearly Parents Survey
  • Volunteer your time in local activities sponsored by the ForeverFund (optional)
  • Notify FFSA in writing, via email or US mail, of any change address and name change and of all custodial changes, or if you have questions or concerns relating to any part of this policy;
  • Notify FFSA in the event the child becomes unable to continue to participate in the eligibility requirements (i.e. death, accident, detainment etc…)
  • Carefully review TIAA Cref Quarterly statements. Check to ensure the correct interest rate, previous amounts are correct and that there are no other errors. Notify TIAA Cref directly to make corrections to child’s account;
  • Notify FFSA of events or occurrences that relates to the child:

Positive or unique – With your permission, this information will possibly be mentioned in the monthly newsletter to congratulate your child and to encourage others.

Negative or problematic – These events may include school suspensions, expulsions or delinquency . We will not terminate your child’s scholarship for negative events. Notifying us of problems may allow us an opportunity to offer additional help in the way of mentoring and support. However, persistently not performing eligibility requirements due to negative or problematic events could disqualify your child from receiving an award disbursement. All information is kept confidential.

Disqualification of Award Disbursement and Forfeiture

In the event of the following occurrences, the granted scholarship award will become null and void and will disqualify the awardee, thereby making the awardee ineligible to receive a final disbursement of scholarship fund:

  • Not completing any qualification listed in the Awardee Responsibilities of this policy or any violation of any stipulation expressed or implied of this policy;
  • Juvenile delinquency that prevents child from completing awardee requirements;
  • Incorrect contact information (i.e. undeliverable mail, name changes, change of address and/or phone number, etc…) that prevents on going communication with parent, legal guardian and the child (i.e. quarterly statements, monthly news letters, special notices, etc…);
  • Falsified information, deemed to not be an error.

Donating to the ForeverFund

Private donations are accepted for the purpose of awarding ForeverFund Scholarships. The Minimum donation amount is $10. Donations may also include gifts of personal property and real estate. Donated funds are maintained in a primary trust fund with TIAA Cref Scholarshare Trust. ForeverFund scholarships are awarded based on the monetary value of the primary trust fund, whereby, as funds are deposited, scholarships are granted to awardees/beneficiaries that have been selected. See Fund Progression section of the ForeverFund policy for more information on how an individual scholarship progresses.

Donations can be made online at , click Donations link, or via U.S. mail. Send your check, money order or credit card information to:

ForeverFund Scholarship
Attn: Jennipher Adkins
PO Box 32121
Oakland, CA 94604

Please include your contact information, and a business card (optional).

Contact Us

If you have further questions or comments, call or write to:

Phone: 206-444-4008
US Mail: ForeverFund Scholarships
Attn: Jennipher Adkins
PO Box 32121
Oakland, CA 94604

ForeverFund Scholarship Financial Model

How will students be identified

  1. Scholarship invitations are sent to school teacher:
    • Using a colorful double sided, bi-folded postcard.
    • This mailer will ask the teacher to recommend a student, then submit recommendations to a school counselor.
    • The counselor will then be asked to contact the child and the parent.
    • There will be a reward for the student and for parent for responding to the scholarship application.
    • Every quarter FFSA will send a thank cards and student updates to the teacher and counselor.
  2. Scholarship Drives at Childrens programs
  3. Public Service Announcement Advertisements on the radio (i.e. 740AM KCBS)
  4. Corporate Partnerships (i.e. Ronald MacDonald House, Childrens Book Publishers, Game Manufacturers, etc…)

Overall concept

Create a long term plan that builds the social skills of the child, expections of the parents, and a financial reward for the child. This will be accomplished by implementing the following core components:

Early College Scholarship

The average age of an awardee will be 8 years old, thus any child can earn a ForeverFund scholarship through the submission of a written or verbal response. The fund will progress in an investment growth fund, while the child is in primary and secondary school. This gives a progression period of roughly ten years. Upon receiving a scholarship award, the awardee and the family will begin to receive newletters and quarterly statements. The newsletter will be mailed directly to the child and will contain age appropriate information and invitations to events . Parents will receive financial statements that will indicate the earnings of their childs scholarship fund. Children will be invited to camps, plays, parks, readings, nature hikes, etc…- they are required to participate in at least one event per quarter and at least 2 college visists are required prior to receiving shcolarship. Parents will be given opportunities to earn grocery gift cards and participate in “Parents Night Out.” A special dinner is planned where the parents can meet, share, motivate each other and enjoy themselves- but most of all gain a sense of pride to enforce this upon their child.

College Saving Plan

The Average ForeverFund Scholarship initial award will be $250. Ten dollars ($10) will be placed in a bank based 529 college savings account. This account can receive deposits from the parent, family members etc… Penalties will apply for early withdrawal.

We initiate this account to encourage the family to think about and participate when they can. Since a scholarhip cannot receive “deposits” this is also an excellent way for the ForeverFund to offer competitions whereby a reward of additional monies can be placed in the college savings account. This will especially be appropriate for awardees getting ready to enter college.

Post College and Retirement Account

The incentives must stay in place to ensure that at least some college is acquired by the awardee, if not a full college degree. This component is designed to continue the building process of rewards and incentives by providing the awardee with more options upon graduating from college. As mentioned earlier, the average scholarship will be $250, with ten dollars applied to a college savings account. An additional ten dollars ($10) is also applied the PCRA (Post College and Retirement Account) – at the time the child is awarded a scholarship at eight years old. If the child makes it this far he/she will now have the option to pull all the money out of their PCRA for graduate school or leave it all in and designate the lump sum as a retirement account (with additional restrictions) or do a combination of both. The PCRA account is not accessible to anyone until the awardee graduates from college. If the child first attends a community college, they can use the PCRA to attend a four year college or university. Not attaining a college degree forfeits the PCRA to the general fund.

Financial Services Innovation

The implications of this unique fund is astounding, the primary goal is to put time on the side of the child and family by creating expections, whereby the child earns the opportunity, a personal decision made by themselves. The rewards are in place to celebrate the mile stones that will occur over the progression period. The incentives are in place to always encourage the next step. The child and the parent will immediately feel in control and proud of their involvement. There are numerous incentive and rewards for many people. The family will be given actuarial hyptheticals at the the begining of the award (i.e. probable dollar values for all three accounts). The financial reward for the child and the family is an easy sell – with tangible results that will effect the world with a positive outcome.