
Diversity at Historically Black Colleges

Top 3 Schools for Diversity

Bluefield State College (95%)

Lincoln University, MO (50/50)

Howard University Law School (20%)

HBCU’s have experienced increases in ethnic diversity

Many HBCU presidents are seeking more multiculturism on their campuses. This is happening for various reasons. For example, some states have reqiured public HBCU’s to meet certain minimums of students who are not African American. Another reason, that applies to all schools, is the desire to offer a campus environment that reflects the globalization that will be a part of our lives forever. For the last two decades, there have been increases in Caucasian and Latino students applying and attending HBCU’s. These students along with international students recognize the destincly nurturing environment from HBCU faculty. Morever, these students realize they were able to attain a quality education and memorable college experineces at a lower cost had they attened a majority school. Although, the historic goal of HBCU’s is to educate blacks, the key to any institutions survival is determined by their ability to adapting to change. Many school representatives recognize the benefits of a diversified student body, as all colleges strive to increase enrollment.